Flea & Tick Control

Flea & Tick Control in Walnut Creek

Don't let flea and tick infestations overwhelm you. These persistent pests can spread rapidly through your house, causing discomfort, stress, and potential health risks for both you and your pets. At California Exterminating Services, we understand the severity of these infestations. 

Our comprehensive approach targets fleas and ticks at all stages of their lifecycle, from tiny eggs to blood-sucking adults. This multi-stage strategy breaks the infestation cycle and provides lasting protection for your home and pets. In other words, we don't just eliminate infestations; we help prevent them, too.

Schedule flea and tick control in Walnut Creek by calling (925) 438-6454. We also offer our services throughout Lamorinda (Lafayette, Orinda, Moraga), East Bay (Oakland & Berkley), and Danville.

Why Are Fleas & Ticks So Hard to Eliminate

Fleas and ticks are notorious for their resilience, primarily due to their complex life cycles that encompass multiple stages. These stages make it particularly challenging to eliminate them from any environment. 

Fleas, for instance, go through four distinct life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. What's fascinating is that the adult fleas that trouble pets and humans represent only a fraction of the overall infestation. Much of the flea population exists in the environment in the earlier stages, invisible to the naked eye.

Ticks present a different yet equally daunting challenge. Depending on the species, ticks can live for several years, progressing through three main life stages: larva, nymph, and adult. Each of these stages has the potential to feed and further the infestation, making the control and elimination process more complex. It's critical to understand that each life stage of ticks and fleas requires a different approach for effective control. 

The resilience of these pests underscores the importance of a comprehensive, ongoing treatment plan. Merely addressing a visible infestation of adult fleas or ticks will not suffice. To achieve complete eradication, one must target all life stages of these pests, often requiring a combination of treatments applied at strategic intervals. This approach ensures that newly emerging pests are dealt with promptly, preventing a resurgence and leading to a pest-free environment.

How Fleas & Ticks Infiltrate Your Home

While it's widely recognized that fleas hitch a ride on pets, ticks are equally opportunistic, latching onto both animals and humans and traversing through infested areas. Rodents and stray animals can also introduce these pests into your environment, leaving behind eggs or larvae that threaten your household's health. Furthermore, ticks, in their quest for a host, can find their way into homes through minute crevices or by hitching a ride on clothing and second-hand items, just like fleas.

At California Exterminating Services, our approach to flea and tick control encompasses more than just treating current infestations. Our process is designed to stop these pests at the perimeter of your home, denying them entry before they have the chance to invade your home and multiply.

How to Identify a Flea or Tick Infestation

Flea and tick infestations can be challenging to eliminate for several reasons, not least among them being their ability to multiply rapidly. That alone makes it crucial to know how to identify any potential infestation as quickly as possible. 

Below are some signs that you might have a problem on your hands:

  • Visible fleas or ticks on pets: Check your pet's coat regularly for fleas and ticks. Fleas are small, dark brown insects that move quickly, while ticks, often found around the head, neck, ears, and feet, may be easier to spot.
  • Flea dirt in pet's coat or bedding: Flea dirt appears as small, black pepper-like specks, which are flea feces made of digested blood, often found in your pet's bedding, carpets, or usual hangouts.
  • Tick or flea eggs: Flea eggs are tiny, white, and oval-shaped, typically found where your pet sleeps.
  • Unexplained bites on humans: Flea bites on humans are small, red, itchy spots, usually on the lower legs and feet. If you spot any bites like these on your person, it's time to check your pets and home for fleas.
  • Pets losing fur or developing rashes: Fleas or ticks can cause allergic reactions in pets, leading to hair loss or rashes from excessive scratching or biting.

Noticing these signs means you should quickly assess the situation and start treatment as soon as possible. 

Why Choose California Exterminating Services for Flea & Tick Control?

Our team at California Exterminating Services offers expertise and results-driven solutions for flea and tick infestations. By employing integrated pest management (IPM) strategies, we not only target current populations but also prevent future infestations, keeping your Walnut Creek home a pest-free zone.

If you're facing the challenge of fleas or ticks, don't wait for the situation to get worse. Contact us online or call (925) 438-6454 today to schedule flea and tick control in Walnut Creek.

Proudly Serving Customers in Walnut Creek & Surrounding Areas
  • Alameda
  • Alamo
  • Albany
  • Bay Point
  • Berkeley
  • Blackhawk
  • Brentwood
  • Castro Valley
  • Clayton
  • Concord
  • Danville
  • Diablo
  • Discovery Bay
  • Dublin
  • El Cerrito
  • Kensington
  • Lafayette
  • Livermore
  • Martinez
  • Moraga
  • Oakland
  • Oakley
  • Orinda
  • Piedmont
  • Pittsburg
  • Pleasant Hill
  • Pleasanton
  • Richmond
  • San Ramon

What Makes Us Different?

High Quality Service in an Efficient Manner

At California Exterminating Services, we will always put you first. That's why so many people in Walnut Creek trust us time and again.

  • Affordable Solutions
    Discover reliable pest solutions that won't break the bank with our affordable pest services. We believe that protecting your home from unwanted intruders shouldn't come at a high cost, which is why we offer budget-friendly options without compromising on quality. Say goodbye to pests without draining your wallet!
  • Dependable Service
    With decades of experience and a dedicated team, we stand as your trusted partner in safeguarding your property and loved ones from unwanted intruders. Our commitment to excellence means you can rest assured knowing that we will consistently deliver effective solutions tailored to your unique needs.
  • Fast and Efficient Results
    When you call us to assist with a pest problem at your home or business, we pride ourselves in the ability to provide prompt and efficient results. We will take the time to carefully inspect your property to ensure that we cover every vulnerability and risk in order to make sure you will have no future problems.
  • Licensed & Insured
    We believe that a large part of what makes California Exterminating Service so successful is our people. We take time to provide our people with continued education regarding the best practice, tools and techniques in the industry. In addition, all of our people are fully licensed and insured to protect you and us as well.